Cloving Init Command Documentation

Learn how to use the cloving init command to initialize your Cloving project configuration.


cloving init


The cloving init command initializes your Cloving project by analyzing the files in your project directory and summarizing the technologies used. This helps provide better context for future Cloving requests.


This command uses an interactive prompt for configuration. It does not have specific command-line options.

Interactive Prompts

The cloving init command uses a series of interactive prompts to guide you through the initialization process:

  • Describe technologies: If no special files are detected, you will be asked to describe the main technologies used in your project.
  • Review generated data: After the project data is generated, you will be prompted to review the generated data.

Example cloving.json file

Here is an example of what a cloving.json file might look like:

"languages": [
    "name": "TypeScript",
    "version": "~> 5.5.3",
    "primary": true,
    "directory": "src",
    "extension": ".ts"
"frameworks": [
    "name": "Node.js",
    "type": "Runtime environment",
    "primary": true,
    "directory": "src",
    "extension": ".js"
"testingFrameworks": [
    "name": "Jest",
    "type": "Testing framework",
    "version": "29.7.0",
    "directory": "tests"
"buildTools": [
    "name": "TypeScript Compiler (tsc)",
    "type": "Transpiler"
    "name": "Vite",
    "type": "Build tool",
    "version": "5.3.3"
"packageManager": "Yarn",
"linters": [
    "name": "ESLint",
    "version": "9.6.0"
"projectType": "Command-line tool"