Enhancing Code Modularity in React with GPT's Real-Time Suggestions

Updated on November 30, 2024

Code Generation
Richard Baldwin Cloved by Richard Baldwin and ChatGPT 4o
Enhancing Code Modularity in React with GPT's Real-Time Suggestions

When expanding modularity across your project, Cloving CLI provides a significant advantage by facilitating the transformation of existing components and integrating new ones into a more modular ecosystem. Let’s explore how this can be achieved with another practical example.

Example Scenario: Creating a Flexible Button Component System

Suppose you want to build a flexible button component system that can be easily customized and used throughout your application. Here’s how Cloving can assist:

  1. Generate Component Base

Start by generating a base component for a Button using Cloving’s generate code command:

cloving generate code --prompt "Create a customizable React Button component" --files src/components/Button.tsx

Generated Code:

import React from 'react';

interface ButtonProps {
  label: string;
  onClick: () => void;
  style?: React.CSSProperties;
  disabled?: boolean;

const Button: React.FC<ButtonProps> = ({ label, onClick, style, disabled }) => (
  <button style={style} onClick={onClick} disabled={disabled} className="button">

export default Button;
  1. Implement Real-Time Suggestions for Variants

Use the cloving chat function to create different button variants without duplicating code, such as ‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘danger’, and more:

cloving chat -f src/components/Button.tsx

Within this chat session, you could ask:

Add button variants for different use-cases like primary, secondary, and danger.

Cloving might suggest adjusting the props to include a variant type, potentially offering styling suggestions or including additional prop types for icon support.

  1. Enhance and Modularize Further

Prompt Cloving for further enhancements, such as consolidating shared styles into a separate style module or using CSS-in-JS solutions like styled-components or Emotion to handle complex visual states:

Refactor the Button component to use styled-components for better modular styling.

This not only keeps your CSS organized but also makes it easy to apply theming capabilities across the entire application.

Encouraging Reusability

By implementing such strategies, repeat the process with other UI components. For instance, building a modular form input system where fields can be dynamically configured according to different form needs, thus promoting reusability and simplifying complexity in form handling.

Streamline Component Integration

Once you’ve modularized various components across your React project, ensure they are seamlessly integrated by:

  • Creating a central theme or style guide that all components adhere to, improving consistency.
  • Developing an onboarding document or codebase guideline that highlights how and when to extend or reuse components, making it easier for team collaboration.


By expanding the modularity of your React components using Cloving CLI, you enhance the adaptability and scalability of your project. This approach ensures consistency, reusability, and maintenance ease across your codebase. With Cloving’s real-time suggestions, you’re equipped to continually innovate and refine your application, seizing the potential of AI-enhanced development tools.

Happy coding! 🚀

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